Until Thursday May 23, 2024 at 11:59 p.m..
However, we recommend that you not hurry until the end of the term, since you may encounter technical problems when using your digital certificate.
Companies that meet the following requirements may participate:
- Being an SME according to the definition established in the Recommendation of the European Commission of May 6, 2003 (DOUE» no. 124, of May 20, 2003).
- Have any of the following legal forms:
- Physical persons: individual or self-employed entrepreneur, limited liability entrepreneur, community property and civil partnerships.
- Legal persons: public limited company, limited company, new company limited company, labor limited company, cooperatives and associations that carry out an economic activity on a regular basis.
If you are not incorporated in any of these legal forms, you do not meet the participation requirements.
Other requirements to participate are:
Companies, regardless of the legal form indicated above, must having started their business activity on or after January 1, 2019. And, furthermore, there must be issued billing for the project for which the award is submitted.
Candidate companies must have an original, creative, disruptive and innovative social entrepreneurship project, with or without a technological base, aimed at responding to complex situations. An entrepreneurial project with a positive impact and, therefore, not only generates an economic benefit for the business but also for society as a whole.
A measurable social impact project characterized by developing new products or services, identifying new customer segments, alleviating shortage problems in any sector (health, food, housing or similar), implementing automation and digitization of traditional sectors, training in skills digital and technological or similar.
Do not.
The Madrid Impacta 2024 Award is aimed at operating companies.
Yes, as long as you carry out an economic activity on a regular basis, otherwise no.
Do not.
Yes, if you have started billing before to present yourself for this award. Yes No No.
The call requires that the participating companies have started their activity after the January 1, 2019, regardless of the date on which they were constituted or registered as autonomous.
Companies created before that date and that have started activity can be presented, if they are presented with a new line of business started between January 1, 2019 and the date of publication of the call, the April 8, 2024. This requirement must be accredited.
Only winning applications will be requested to prove this with the presentation of the Certificate of census status issued by the State Tax Administration Agency, in order to verify the start date of the company's activity.
Applications must be submitted, along with the required documentation, in the Registry of the Madrid City Council:
- Electronically, accessing the Electronic Headquarters of the Madrid City Council: Application for participation in the Madrid Impacta 2024 award. In this case, one of the electronic identification systems accepted by Madrid City Council must be used.
The legal persons, entities without legal personality and other subjects bound by article 14.2 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, are required to submit the application by electronic means.
- in person, in the registry offices of the Madrid City Council. They may also be presented through the other forms provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
The deadline for submitting applications will end on May 23 at 11:59 p.m.
You have to present:
- The application of participation in the Madrid Impacta 2024 award.
- The impact project (document of maximum length of 8 pages), written in Spanish, covering the information of the points detailed in the call.
- The document named Identification of the promoting team which must also include what is indicated in the bases. Also written in Spanish.
No business plan is required.
Yes, it is national.
The tax domicile of the company has no influence, as long as it is in Spain.
Even if you live abroad, you can participate in the prize, but you must take into account that, if you go to the second phase, you will be summoned to the elevator pitch, brief presentation before the jury, which is face-to-face
If you don't show up at elevator pitch, you would be automatically disqualified.
write to us and we will answer you as soon as possible.