Bonus for the indefinite contract of young people with low qualifications and in the Youth Guarantee

bonuses and reductions for self-employment


  • It will give the right to a bonus of 275 euros per month for three years
  • It is a subsidized measure of new implementation


Requirements of the worker

Young people under 30 years of age with low qualifications and who are beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System.

Young people with low qualifications will be considered those who have not achieved the studies corresponding to the Baccalaureate degree or intermediate level training cycle of the Vocational Training system, in accordance with the declaration they make in this regard when registering in the National System file. Youth Guarantee. Falsification in said declaration may lead to their exclusion as beneficiaries of the aforementioned system.

Company requirements

a) Not having been disqualified from obtaining public subsidies and aid and from enjoying tax or Social Security benefits and incentives.

b) Regarding the benefits in Social Security contributions, not having been excluded from access to aid, subsidies, bonuses and benefits derived from the application of employment or vocational training programs for employment, due to the commission of infractions serious or very serious not prescribed.

c) Be up to date with compliance with your tax obligations. In the case of benefits in Social Security contributions, the date on which you must be up to date with the fulfillment of these obligations will be the one on which the General Treasury of Social Security is informed of the registration of the worker or the corresponding variation of data in the event that the start of the right to the quota bonus does not occur as a consequence of registration.

d) Be up to date in the fulfillment of their obligations with Social Security in relation to income from contributions and joint collection concepts, as well as with respect to any other Social Security resource that is the object of Social Security collection management. .

e) Have the corresponding equality plan, in the case of companies legally or conventionally obliged to implement it.

Contract characteristics

Contracts may be made on an indefinite basis, full-time, part-time or discontinuously permanent.

It will be formalized in writing in the model provided by the State Public Employment Service.


In the first year of validity of the royal decree-law, indefinite contracts that are concluded with young people under 30 years of age with low qualifications and who are beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System, will give the right to a bonus in the contribution, in the terms established in article 10, of 275 euros/month, for three years.


First additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 1/2023, of January 10, of urgent measures regarding incentives for job hiring and improvement of social protection for artists.


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