How to make a press kit

press kit


  • Its objective is to show the commercial reach of a brand, increase credibility in the media and make it easier for messages to be transmitted effectively.
  • Currently the main format of the kits is electronic


Open your mind… The press kit will not only help you to interact with the media. In fact, it will be a good way to spread various information about and from the company. It also allows you to do it in a controlled manner and makes the task easier for the recipient.


Known by various names, such as stocking kit either press kits, the press kit is a file or web section that describes your company briefly and clearly. A kit facilitates media coverage for the receiving journalists or specialized editors, a fact that can generate greater diffusion for the brand. But the information included in the kit may have other recipients, from customers, suppliers or business partners, depending on the specific type of information that is managed.

In short, the kit is intended to show the commercial reach of a brand, increase credibility in the media and ensure and facilitate that messages are transmitted effectively. Currently, the main format of the kits is electronic.

Benefits of the press kit

These are the main benefits:

  • Generate opportunities

It is an excellent tool to attract leads and expand the target audience. A stocking kit can promote new products and specific campaigns in the media and in third-party communication channels.

  • Save time

The kit immediately shows what is most relevant to your business to your commercial clients or the media. For this reason, when you deliver the specific information of your company through the media kit, you save research and search time for recipients, facilitating their work.

  • Increase brand exposure

Having a press kit gives you the opportunity to increase media coverage in a simple way. There are several options, since you can share the information massively through a link, an email, downloads or including the information on the corporate website.

  • Guarantee an effective message

It is important that the messages to be transmitted correctly reach their recipients. The kit can include press releases, videos, images, downloadable files and highlights with communication relevance.

  • Build trust

A press kit can be synonymous with trust for its recipients, with the exposure of corporate information, the offer, the experience and the quality of your business. Leads and media will be more receptive to a clear and consistent message.


The stocking kit of your company facilitates the contact process with advertisers, journalists and editors, among other recipients. It also generates sales opportunities and connections for your business in the media.

To do this, it includes the description of the company, the brand's value proposition, success stories, customer testimonials, partnerships and collaborations with leading brands, specific campaigns or actions, social network statistics and contact information.

We cannot forget that the press kit represents the company and must match the personality of your brand, since it combines the informative part with the commercial part, and must be updated periodically.

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