- Equation for the purposes of calculating contribution periods
- Retroactive effects
Last October 1 came into effect an important measure in the workplace in Spain: the equation of part-time work with full-time work with regard to the calculation of contribution periods, for the recognition of benefits.
This novelty has a significant impact on access to various Social Security benefits and here it is explained in detail how it affects working people and which benefits are applied.
What does this measure mean?
Since its implementation, Each day worked, regardless of the type of shift or the number of hours, counts as one day of contributions. for the purposes of calculating the contribution periods necessary for the recognition of benefits. This means that part-time workers, with contracts of less than eight hours a day, will be entitled to Social Security benefits under the same conditions as a worker with a full-time shift.
This measure applies to all part-time workers regardless of their working hours.
How does this measure affect pensions?
Equality between part-time and full-time work applies to access to retirement, permanent or temporary disability pensions, as well as death and survival benefits (widowhood and orphanhood) and birth and child care benefits (previously known as maternity and paternity). Following the ruling of the Constitutional Court of 2019, one day worked is equal to one day of contributions, following the regulatory basis.
Furthermore, it is important to take into account how this measure does not modify the result of the benefits, and the regulatory basis will remain the same depending on what is quoted.
It must be taken into account that it does not affect people who are already retired or have received some type of benefit in the past.
This measure has a retroactive nature for periods worked part-time before and after October 1, with its entry into force. However, it is important to know that this retroactivity will not be applied to those pensions that have not generated the right before this date.
At this point it is also essential to know how the generic contribution period for the retirement pension is 15 years, with at least 2 years within the previous ones, at the time of cessation of the obligation to contribute. This changes for the rest of the benefits, where the period varies depending on the grade and years worked.
How are these changes reflected in work life?
Thanks to this comparison, when the working life is reviewed, fewer days of contributions will be seen, since we must not forget that contributions are based on the hours worked. In the case of accessing through the Social Security portal, you can see the days you have contributed in the “See your contributions” section, which will allow you to know the time remaining until retirement.
In summary, this equalization of part-time and full-time work in the calculation of contribution periods represents an important step in the equality of rights of part-time workers, facilitating their access to various Social Security benefits without modifying their amount. . The measure especially benefits those with shorter hours and will have a positive impact on access to benefits in Spain.
2 responses
Thanks for the information, when I go to see my work life, I don't see any changes, I have the same thing as before the law and I would like to know exactly the route to go in to see what it indicates in See quoted days, please tell me the route ? I don't have a manager and I'm new self-employed, thank you very much.
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