The selection of personnel

The selection of personnel


  • The selection of personnel is made up of several stages that aim to find the best prospect
  • In turn, the personnel selection process must meet certain requirements


Recruitment is the process by which a company searches for a new employee to fill an unoccupied or vacant job position in the organization. This procedure is made up of several stages that aim to find the best prospect.

As each member is crucial to bring a touch of creativity, solutions, ingenuity and intelligence, attracting talent to the organization is key. Therefore, the personnel selection or recruitment process consists of finding the perfect candidate for the position, with the necessary training, skills and requirements.

selection instruments

There are several methods or ways to find candidates:

Internal database

In this case, the organization has a repository made up of all the Curriculum vitae previously received. The Human Resources department will review whether any of these available profiles is suitable for the type of candidate being sought.


It is currently one of the most widely used selection instruments. Organizations offer their vacancies on specialized digital platforms, in the same way that people who are looking for work publish their professional CVs.

In addition, there is a new trend: the selection of personnel is carried out by analyzing the profiles of social networks. In this way, companies can learn details of the personality and social environment of the potential candidate.


Headhunters are agents looking for very specific profiles, at the request of the company that requires them. are the acquaintances headhunters and they look for the most qualified and experienced personnel, generally for high-level positions or senior management.

HR Agency

Outsourcing personnel selection is something very common when the company does not have resources available for it. In these situations, a specialized agency is hired to find the right candidate, carrying out the entire selection process.

promotion or promotion

This internal personnel selection process facilitates the selection of the candidate based on the years worked in the company and taking into account the positive contributions he has made. This is an excellent way to motivate your employees to improve their performance, as this will be recognized and rewarded.

Recruitment requirements

The personnel selection process must meet the following requirements:

  • The process must be determined and planned by the Human Resources department.
  • The Human Resources director organizes the selection and establishes what is desirable for a candidate, according to the company's strategy and needs.
  • Said selection must be adapted to the organizational culture and its particularities.
  • The selection process will be according to the job position, since one type of employment is not the same as another.

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