What is data governance?

data governance


  • The European Data Strategy "seeks to make the Union a leader in a data-driven society"


The European Commission indicates that the European Data Strategy "seeks to make the Union a leader in a data-driven society".

The Data is the backbone of digital transformation and it is evident that the creation of a single market for data will allow data to flow freely, across the Union and between sectors, to the benefit of Business, researchers and public administrations. This is data governance.

European regulations

The Council of the European Union approved the Data Governance Act (DGA), the result of the proposal of the European Commission at the end of 2020.

The Regulation (EU) 2022/868 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 30, 2022 on European data governance it establishes robust mechanisms that will facilitate the re-use of certain categories of protected public sector data, increase trust in data brokering services and encourage the altruistic transfer of data across the EU.

Data Governance Scopes

The regulations regulate five major areas:

The transfer of certain categories of protected data held by public sector organizations for reuse

The purpose of the DGA is to be a mechanism that allows the reuse of certain types of data from public sector organizations, subject to third-party rights and with certain specific conditions.

Creation of data intermediation service providers

The DGA promotes data intermediation services. With this, it seeks to establish a secure environment in which companies and individuals can share data, guaranteeing its security, availability, integrity and usability.

The regulations establish conditions for the provision of said data intermediation services.

data altruism

The DGA also facilitates the making of data available for the common good, voluntarily and altruistically, based on a European form, to allow the use of your data, without requesting consideration in exchange.

European Data Innovation Board

The law provides for the creation of a group of experts: the European Data Innovation Council. Its main objective is to advise and assist the Commission.

Access and international transfer of non-personal data

The DGA establishes safeguard measures to fight against illegal international data transfers for public sector data, data intermediation services and data altruism organizations.


The DGA will be applicable 15 months after its entry into force.

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