Human resources, news and trends

Human Resources news trends


  • In human resources, as in many other organizational areas, the use and implementation of technology are being key
  • This fact will mark the evolution, novelties and trends of HR


The various departments of organizations are in constant development. And in human resources, as in many other areas, the use and implementation of technology will mark the evolution, trends and novelties of HR.

These are some of the big trends and developments in human resources for the coming months:

people analytics

people analytics, also known as HR Analytics, is an analysis method based on data about the workers of a company. Its objective is the study of the people that make up the organization through an intelligent analysis of the data obtained. With this, problems can be identified and ways to solve them can be found, validated conclusions can be established or future scenarios can be predicted.

HR Tech

The human resources department, in full digitization, has new solutions and technological management tools.

The staff pick, staff management, organizational well-being, internal communication, teleworking management, etc. For all this, HR managers already have digital technical resources to manage it.

soft skills

Companies implement training programs reskilling & upskilling (retraining and improvement) to its staff for the development of skills, especially those soft skills (soft skills).

Training in these skills will bring numerous benefits internally, without the need to resort to hiring.

emotional well-being

For years, the emotional well-being of employees has been one of the main objectives of the HR department and it is gaining relevance.

Mental health and work stress are leading causes of sick leave and absenteeism, according to figures from mutual insurance companies. And they suppose economic losses millionaires.

To avoid these situations, organizations have taken measures, from raising awareness to specialist consultations.


As a consequence of the pandemic, in a short time teleworking has gone from being a chimera to becoming a worker's right.

Teleworking and hybrid work mean family conciliation, social benefit and an incentive to attract talent. According to industry experts, companies that do not offer flexible positions in relation to teleworking will have loyalty problems for their staff.

employer branding

Recruitment and hiring will use marketing elements and methodologies. In fact, companies will invest heavily in the strategy of employer branding, acquiring the necessary technology and with a strong presence in social media. The big claim is to be an attractive employer.

To execute this strategy, HR departments need new competencies, such as managing the careers page and candidate communities. The positive part is that costs are reduced in the search and selection of candidates, improving the results.

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