Social Security procedures are simplified for new self-employed

Self-employed Social Security


  • Social Security has proposed to facilitate the procedure for any entrepreneur who intends to create their own project or who has already done so


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The process to register as a self-employed worker has always been a cumbersome process that has caused more than one headache. In 2023, Social Security has proposed to facilitate the procedure for the self-employed who intend to create their own project or who have already done so.

In the latest publication of the statistical data related to entrepreneurs who have launched to register as self-employed, it reflects the increase in this modality compared to 2021 by 1.4%. Every year more and more brave people embark on this adventure, increasing the number of self-employed.

It is known that the life of the self-employed is not an easy task, as is the demand on the part of these for an improvement in their conditions. Entrepreneurs who register as self-employed workers constantly request lower contributions and fees.

The Public State Employment Service, After compiling the demand of the self-employed to improve their working conditions, it has launched some reductions and bonuses to improve their lives. Bonuses for reconciling professional and family life, ICO grants or specific grants from each autonomous community.

One of the actions that the State Public Employment Service has taken in the face of the discomfort of self-employed workers is to modify the procedure for registering as a self-employed person if they do not have a social security number.

Social security has simplified the process of self-employed registration, by providing the Social Security number in the case of not having it. It is a new model that makes the process easier, they will not have to do any extra paperwork, everything will be done directly at the moment.

Social Security number

The social security number It is the number that identifies the citizen in his relations with Social Security. This numerical reference is mandatory for every citizen who is a beneficiary of subsidies, pensions or benefits.

The aforementioned action is one of the many that will be carried out during 2023 to benefit the self-employed, with the aim of improving their conditions and encouraging those who have already registered or are considering doing so.


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