Trends in CSR

Trends in CSR


  • CSR raises the business contribution to social, economic and environmental improvement
  • Corporate Social Responsibility follows trends and evolves with the times

What is CSR

We define Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as the company's commitment to direct its actions to contribute to social, economic and environmental improvement.

Therefore, it is an ethical responsibility. This has been increasing in recent years due to the growing awareness in society about the need for companies to pay special attention to social and environmental issues.

CSR is also a way of directing organizations according to the management of the impacts that their activity generates on their clients, employees, shareholders, local communities, the environment and on society in general.

Trends in CSR

Being aware of CSR trends and acting accordingly is essential for companies to adapt to the current situation and future scenarios.


Sustainability and respect for the environment are objectives that are part of CSR and, with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations, have achieved great prominence in a transversal way.

At the request of the European Union regulations, companies will make the necessary decisions and actions.


From both a legal and a social perspective, there is great interest in corporate non-financial information. For this reason, the EU has taken measures in favor of transparency in the sustainability actions carried out by organizations.

This type of information must be reliable, verifiable and quantitative about its impact, so that stakeholders can make their objective assessments.


The concern for the health of the members of the organization has clearly increased in CSR. The new concept of health has a broad sense, including occupational diseases together with physical health, nutrition, the emotional part, etc.

Integration and diversity

Diversity and integration are values that determine the hiring of personnel, taking into account intergenerational criteria and equal opportunities. In addition, the eradication of the wage gap between men and women or the incorporation of people with disabilities into the labor market are relevant challenges.

Alliances and synergies

The need for collaboration between public and private organizations is evident. In turn, strategic and financial alliances between the third sector and companies seek social and business value, generating collaborative sector ecosystems and synergies.

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