Entrepreneurship Service Points: company formation

we have seven Entrepreneurship Service Points, at the Single Window for Entrepreneurs and in the business incubators of Carabanchel, Moratalaz, Puente de Vallecas, San Blas, Vicálvaro and Villaverde.

It is a place for register as a freelancer either form telematics a limited company.

The PAE are responsible for facilitating the creation of new companies, the effective start of their activity and their development. They achieve this through the provision of information services, documentation processing, advice, training and support for business financing.

Interested entrepreneurs only have to come in person, making an appointment in advance. There, accredited personnel will be in charge of completing the DUE (Single Electronic Document) with the data previously provided by the entrepreneur. Said DUE is sent to STT-CIRCE, the entity that will carry out all the subsequent procedures for the incorporation of the company. No need to use paper forms. The interested person should only go personally to the appointment with the notary.

Know the PAEs:

Telematic processing offers greater agility. In addition, it shortens deadlines and avoids travel and intermediation costs.

Greater agility. Fewer trips to the organisms involved. More economical.

If you need personal information send an email with your query to ventanillaemprended@madrid.es  and we will respond to you as soon as possible. For these cases, the first appointment will be for data request.


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