Nueva edición 2024 ¡inscripciones abiertas!

Si quieres una formación práctica y presencial… ¡Te damos la bienvenida a los 🖥 Itinerarios Formativos de #MadridEmprende!

These trainings include the most relevant topics 🔝 to start your business and the main objective is your optimal training as an entrepreneur.

To do this, we offer you content that will enable you to acquire knowledge to develop your business idea 💡, carry out commercial strategies and carry out good business management, among others.

How are the activities organized?

Each edition consists of three itineraries and each one, of two or three different training activities. In total, there are 8 activities with ideal themes to start your business.

You can sign up for one or more activities since they are independent of each other, always keeping in mind that it is necessary that you attend all the days of each activity.

And in case you need help 😉, these training activities are complemented by our virtual platform “Aula Emprende”, which is a virtual support classroom that will provide you with access to content and resources, correction of evaluations and resolution of doubts and queries.

Where are they made?

Los Itinerarios Formativos son presenciales,  se realizan de 10 a 14:30 horas in the Carabanchel business incubator (c/ Cidro, 3. 28044 Madrid) and require pre-registration. Entra en la agenda y realiza la inscripción en todas aquellas actividades que te interesen.

At the end of each activity, you will be able to download a document proving its correct execution (according to its specific conditions).

How do I sign up?

Each of the Training Itineraries is published in our schedule de eventos  para que puedas inscribirte ✍ y, además, se incluye en el boletín semanal de actividades de Madrid Emprende.

Si quieres estar al día de todas nuestras actividades y novedades subscribe to our newsletter.

Remember that attendance is free and places are limited, so prior registration is necessary, which will be pending admission.

Content of the Training Itineraries
Itinerary I: consists of three training activities

Si tienes una idea incipiente y/o un proyecto de negocio, esta actividad te interesa. Reflexiona y profundiza sobre aspectos del emprendimiento transversales y comunes a cualquier sector de actividad como son el autoconocimiento, el análisis de capacidades y habilidades, así como facilitar recursos y herramientas de apoyo que le permitan analizar opciones, definir objetivos y tomar decisiones.

Actividad enfocada a identificar competencias de autoliderazgo y a utilizar herramientas para reducir la renuncia de mujeres a emprender, superar las razones culturales y la mayor aversión al riesgo. Diseño y refuerzo de estrategias de acción y mejora de habilidades con el objetivo de crear un impacto de género positivo entre emprendedoras.

If you want to acquire the basic concepts of public speaking and keys to using the technique of elevator pitch in the presentation of your entrepreneurial project or as a sales pitch, sign up for this activity!

Itinerary II: consists of three training activities

Obtén las claves para desarrollar un plan de empresa con todos sus componentes, marketing, comunicación y ventas, operaciones, RRHH, jurídico y económico-financiero, realizando un análisis para establecer estrategias, detectar necesidades y hacer seguimiento del negocio.

You will learn about the functioning of the public sector and public procurement legislation from the company's point of view. You will detect business opportunities, prepare the company for the relationship with public administrations and analyze the documents for the preparation of offers and bidding.

This activity will provide the fundamental concepts and characteristics of social entrepreneurship, differentiating it from social enterprises and introducing the application of the concepts of sustainable development and the application of corporate social responsibility.

Itinerary III: consists of two training activities

Directed to Promote the transformation process in the company, this training will show you the fundamental points to improve management, administration and production, marketing and sales processes, through the implementation of digital processes that allow you to achieve your objectives.

You will discover the elements necessary to design and manage the business website of a project. In addition, they will give you tools so that you can have your online store in the near future.

Calendar of Training Itineraries