Who can participate?

The award goes to women-led businesses, regardless of whether they are constituted by natural persons -individual or collective-, or with a legal personality: either as companies in their different forms, or as cooperatives or associations that carry out an economic activity on a regular basis.

Female participation must be more than 50%, If the percentage is 50%, you do not meet the participation requirements.

You must have started business activity between January 1, 2019 and the last day of the deadline established to submit applications. Other companies with greater seniority can also participate, as long as they apply for the award with a new line of business, demonstrating that it was started in the same period indicated above.

Additionally, you must be billing for the project with which you are submitting for the award.

The candidate companies must have an original, creative, disruptive and innovative project, which may or may not have a technological base and have a service or a product prototype that has been tested in the market with already measured or measurable results.

If I have a business idea, can I introduce myself?

Do not.

The 2024 Entrepreneurs Award is aimed at companies in operation.

Which companies can participate?

Applicant companies (natural or legal persons) must meet 3 requirements:

  • Being SMEs according to the definition established in the Recommendation of the European Commission of May 6, 2003
  • Be constituted with some of the following legal forms:
    • Natural person: individual or self-employed businesswoman, limited liability entrepreneur, property communities and civil societies.
    • Legal entities: public limited company, limited company, new company limited company, labor limited company, cooperatives and associations that carry out an economic activity on a regular basis.

If you are not incorporated in any of these legal forms, you do not meet the participation requirements.

You must have a business project that is original, creative, disruptive and innovative, with or without a technological base, aimed at covering needs in different areas: environment, health and well-being, gastronomy, education, commerce, fashion, finance, e-commerce, tourism , industry, infrastructure, logistics, energy or similar.

And also, having a service or a product prototype tested in the market with already measured or measurable results.

Can an association participate?

Yes, as long as you carry out an economic activity on a regular basis.

Can a foundation participate?

Do not.

How do I know the percentage of female participation in society?

The percentage of participation refers to the share capital and administration.

The articles of incorporation indicate the number of female and male partners who have the company's share capital and how this capital is distributed between men and women. More than 50% of the social capital must be in the hands of women to meet the participation requirements, if the female participation is from 50%, it does not comply with the participation requirements, you have to exceed that percentage.

My company was established before January 1, 2019, but I have not started activity, can I introduce myself?

If you have started billing for the project you are submitting for the award, yes, if not, no.

The call requires that participating companies have started their activity after January 1, 2019, regardless of the date on which they were established or registered as self-employed.

Companies created prior to that date and that have started activity can be presented, if they are presented with a new line of business started after January 1, 2019 and can prove it.

However, if you have any questions, it is preferable that you participate and explain the situation of your company in your summary.

Where and how do I submit my request to participate?

Applications must be submitted electronically or in person at the Madrid City Council register.

  • The legal persons must submit the application mandatory electronically, accessing the Electronic Headquarters of the City Council Application for participation in the 2024 Entrepreneurs Award. In this case, you must use one of the electronic certificates accepted by the Madrid City Council. They must present it with the digital certificate of the company.
  • The Physical persons may choose to apply for electronic form, in the terms indicated above, or complete it electronically and submit it face-to-face way, as long as their profession does not require registration, in the registry offices of the Madrid City Council and other entities provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. At our headquarters, C/ Príncipe de Vergara 140, you have one of the Madrid City Council Registries.

You have until April 3 at 11:59 p.m. to submit the application.

Until when can I submit my application?

You can submit your application together with the executive summary model of the business plan detailed in the bases, up to the April 3 at 11:59 p.m..

However, we recommend that you not hurry until the end of the term, since you may encounter technical problems when using your digital certificate. 

What do I have to present to participate?

You have to submit the Application for participation in the 2024 Entrepreneurs Award  and a executive Summary of the business plan, which meets the characteristics detailed in the bases.

Written in Spanish and with an extension of between 4 and 5 pages. Documents with a greater or lesser number of pages of information than indicated will not be admitted.

It is essential that the executive summary contains the points detailed in the bases; it is the way to verify compliance with the requirements.

  • Sector of activity of the project.
  • Description of the business activity.
  • In the case of legal entities, communities of property and civil societies, indicate the number of partners, whether they are men or women and the percentage of participation of each of them (essential to verify compliance with section 5.3).
  • Start date of activity or new line of business, as appropriate in each case.
  • Schedule that reflects the evolution of billing, indicating the billing start date and the amounts billed from said date to the date of publication of the call. The billing must refer, exclusively, to the project that is submitted for the award.
  • Reflect the aspects of the business activity that show that the evaluation criteria of the candidacies established in section 11 are met.
  • Action plan: a schedule and description of the activities to be carried out in each of the stages scheduled for the execution of the project will be included, indicating, where appropriate, the stage in which it is at the time of participation in this announcement
If I already have my business plan done, can I present it as is?

Do not.

You must prepare a summary with an extension between 4 and 5 that includes the following points, it is the way to verify compliance with the requirements:

  • Sector of activity of the project.
  • Description of the business activity.
  • In the case of legal entities, communities of property and civil societies, indicate the number of partners, whether they are men or women and the percentage of participation of each of them (essential to verify compliance with section 5.3).
  • Start date of activity or new line of business, as appropriate in each case.
  • Schedule that reflects the evolution of billing, indicating the billing start date and the amounts billed from said date to the date of publication of the call. The billing must refer, exclusively, to the project that is submitted for the award.
  • Reflect the aspects of the business activity that show that the evaluation criteria of the candidacies established in section 11 are met.
    • Originality and creativity of the project: the differentiating and novel character of the application will be identified.
    • Disruptiveness and innovation: it can refer to a new product, a new service, a new organizational model, a new process, a new solution approach, etc.
    • Technical and economic feasibility: basic information will be included that allows evaluating the economic viability of the project in the market.
    • Importance of the need it covers: the ability to solve a significant and unsatisfied problem in the market will be evaluated.
    • Income and billing plan made for the project for which you are applying for the award.
    • Possibilities to scale in the short and medium term. Scalability understood as the ability to be developed in areas other than those for which it was initially designed.
    • Indicate if it is a project belonging to sectors traditionally reserved for men.
  • Action plan: a schedule and description of the activities to be carried out in each of the stages scheduled for the execution of the project will be included, indicating, where appropriate, the stage in which it is at the time of participation in this announcement.
Is the award national?

Yes, it is national. The tax domicile of the company must be in Spain.

What if I live abroad representing a national brand or product?

Even if you live abroad, you can participate in the award, but you must bear in mind that if you go on to the second phase, you will be summoned to the elevator pitch which is face-to-face

If you don't show up at elevator pitch You will be automatically disqualified.


Do you have more questions?

write to us and we will answer you as soon as possible.