Held the “III Madrid Emprende Investment Forum”


10 showed up startup technological companies from different sectors, some of which have passed through the innovation and entrepreneurship centers of the Madrid City Council, which are in their initial phases and are actively seeking capital to finance their activity.

The III Investment Forum was inaugurated by the Councilor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Angel Niño, who highlighted how the City Council is committed to entrepreneurship, innovation and, above all, investment.

After the institutional welcome, the forum continued with the presentation of the startup in which each of them made a brief presentation and, later, question time was opened, both from the face-to-face and remote audience.


ChatWith- WhatsApp link to use on any social network, website, email signature, etc. that allows small businesses and freelancers to connect with their customers and also offers statistics, payments and connection with CRMs.

eCustoms: cloud platform that synchronizes and manages international merchandise trade, including the customs part.

fandit: search engine that facilitates and simplifies access to public aid and subsidies that is automatically fed from public information sources and classifies the different aids using its own algorithms to facilitate filtering.

Gray Glasses: startup that was born with the aim of revolutionizing and digitizing the optical sector. Users can try on the glasses in augmented reality, complete the online order and receive their new glasses at home. And they can change or return them.

Harbest Market: marketplace that connects restaurants with small farmers from different areas of Spain to buy fruit and vegetables directly without intermediaries.

logtrip: digital platform that unites technology and tourism thanks to a marketplace of professionals and activities and a family of applications so that the traveler can plan, live and remember, in a simple way and forever, trips and unique experiences at the hands of qualified professionals.

net2fly: 1st International Platform "Drone as a Service". Through the marketplace, companies will be able to find all those pilots that meet their needs, duly filtered by team, specialty, and location, ensuring that the operation complies with 100% with current legislation.

ossicles: unconventional audio solutions through ad hoc hardware and software engineering projects with innovative audio devices. Ongoing development of a SaaS platform for artificial intelligence applied to audio.

spiker: self-service professional video recording solution for CEOs, HR and internal communication departments of companies with only a webcam and internet connection. It is intended to revolutionize communication and popularize streaming HD video with teleprompter, automatic labeling and immediate download.

Ununuzi: company with technology financed by the CDTI that allows to obtain the information of any purchase ticket in real time through a capture with any mobile and that feeds a mobile application of end users (tiketi) to create connections between brands and consumers and thus building more efficient relationships for both parties. The technology is also marketed in SaaS mode to be consumed by third-party platforms.

You can see below the summary video of the event.