Coffee Break with Chema Nieto, founder of Socialnius


East Coffee break, is part of a typology of events that take place periodically in the business incubators of the Madrid City Council. D.During his speech, Chema, told us about his career from when he left the university as a journalist until he arrived as a nurseryman at the Vicálvaro company incubator, in which he received, according to his own words, the impulse necessary to turn his idea into his way of life after his start in this field in 2008 through a successful blog, feisbuknius, with figures close to 8,000 daily visits.

Socialnius was born in 2011, advises large technology brands, but also SMEs and individuals. They carry out all the management of your marketing on-line and develop specialized social media training programs.

Chema, told us from his experience some of the key aspects of his entrepreneurship process:

  • \"The communication of startups once financing is obtained is vital for the development of the company, we have to be clear about the message and the channels where to move it\".
  • He stressed that one of the current trends at the communication level is \"using influential users, Influencers, appropriate ones that viralize and promote your brand\".
  • "I consider that the leg of the media is equal to or more important than online marketing," said Chema.
  • "Having the Vicálvaro nursery allowed me to go from being an entrepreneur to consolidating my company\" stressing the support of the Madrid City Council in providing infrastructure and specialized advice for entrepreneurs.
  • \"Leads (conversions), whether they are downloads, purchases or customers, are the most important indicator for our company,\" said Chema.
  • \»Innovation is a priority when planning our communication strategy\»
  • Finally, Chema stressed that \"There is no need to be afraid of failure as entrepreneurs, everything is an idea/error, we must learn from each one of them to improve."

Once the practical part was over, the attendees shared a coffee and a session of networking in the common area Carabanchel nursery.

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