Successful IX Madrid Emprende Investment Forum

Successful IX Madrid Emprende Investment Forum


  • The IX Madrid Emprende Investment Forum is a support service in the search for non-traditional external financing 
  • The best startup of this edition has been SANZAR


Yesterday the IX Madrid Emprende Investment Forum took place, which aims to be a reference in the world of investment financing. startup in Madrid. To do this, it brings together companies from the Madrid entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem with great potential in the market and that need external financing for their development.

After a rigorous evaluation of more than 60 applications, ten were selected startup that represent the diversity and dynamism of our country's business ecosystem.

IX Investment Forum

The objectives of this event are to facilitate access to financing for entrepreneurs and to be a meeting place for investors interested in supporting companies with great potential for growth and profitability.

During the opening ceremony of the event, Niño praised “the fabulous innovative ecosystem that is being created in Madrid” and reaffirmed “the municipal will to promote entrepreneurship in key sectors for the present and future of the city", as eHealth, internet of things, fintech, foodtech, or education, “favoring the materialization of business”, with the active role that the City Council plays in connecting emerging companies and potential investors.

Each company had 8 minutes of presentation, plus 5 minutes of questions from investors.

The participating companies

These were the companies participating in this IX edition:

ORYGEN (Cleantech/Proptech)                            

Company housed in International LAB that revalues rustic lands by finding sustainable and profitable solutions with artificial intelligence. Its platform helps connect these unoccupied lands with companies that need land to develop their activity (CO2 market, timber industry, renewable energies, etc.).


Build conversational AI solutions with proprietary DTO software (Diverse Tech Orchestrator) that uses GAI (Generative AI), NLU (Classification AI), hyper-realistic human avatars and a unique methodology for training artificial intelligence that includes the design of dialogue flows.

SKIN AI (Health)

Company hosted in the Carabanchel business incubator that has developed a tool (Skin AI Mobile) composed of a dermatoscope that captures quality images and software that uses AI models. Thus, it offers an analysis of multiple parameters to detect skin cancer early, identifying its typology.

NATURR (Foodtech / Agrotech)

Company hosted in La Nave, it is a platform for small artisanal food producers in rural areas, which allows the client to get to know the producer and the process of making their products. In June they will launch a new apps which will allow us to enhance its community of producers and customers.


It offers fast, innovative and cost-effective IoT digital solutions. It operates throughout Europe and has already secured several clients, including one of the main water services companies in Spain, SGS or SCCF of Geneva (Switzerland). This company is hosted on International LAB.

THINK NETWORK (Fintech & Service)                 

Platform that pays you for saving. Through its apps All services can be contracted for individuals, self-employed workers and SMEs (electricity, gas, telephone, insurance, travel, renting, etc.).


After having sufficiently tested the market with significant sales since its inception, it is immersed in a growth and internationalization plan in the fashion and specialized optical sector.

LOOMEE (Ehealth/Mental health)

Company hosted in La Nave that offers a solution that facilitates therapeutic decision-making and work strategies for psychologists in order to digitally enhance their interventions. Professionals access a platform where they can personalize the experience of the patient, who interacts through an app.

NABBÜ (edtech)

It is a virtual classroom that makes it easier for academies to manage content, teachers and students in a more efficient way by automating processes and allowing effective inclusion by providing real usage data. This company is hosted in La Nave.

SANZAR (Space)

Company that is developing a new satellite attitude control technology, improving its performance and costs. It obtains a weight reduction of more than the 50% and a greater increase in maneuverability of the 75% compared to current systems. This company is hosted on International LAB.

The best startup

Estrella Martín, general director of Entrepreneurship, was in charge of presenting the award to the best startup of the edition: SANZAR.