Conference on the Presentation of Conclusions of the Mercado 47 pilot program


The welcome and presentation of the day was given by Luis Jimenez, Marketing Director of Fedemeat, who highlighted that this program aims to sensitize merchants about the benefits of using new technologies and the need to update their promotion, communication, sale, purchase and distribution processes through the Internet.

The project has consisted of 2 phases. In the first, an analysis was carried out through the results obtained from 250 surveys carried out at butchers/delicatessen in the Madrid markets (May 2017) and in the second ten butchers / delicatessens in Madrid participated in the pilot program. This pilot experience ended in May 2018.

The conclusions of the pilot program, as well as an analysis of each of the web pages created, were presented by Eduardo Elorriaga CEO and founder of Hermeneus World, developers of Market47. Eduardo Elorriaga highlighted how the feedback from the participating butcher shops had made it possible to improve the platform, for example in the adaptation of the product categories for sale, as well as improving the search engine positioning (SEO) of each one of the websites.

In the round table that followed, Concha Díaz de Villegas intervened, pointing out that electronic commerce "is a reality that has come to stay" and how, through Mercado47, citizens have been able to buy at their stall confidence of our markets online.
For its part, Javier Ollero, President of COCAM, pointed out that "The main fears that merchants have when selling online are the distrust of the new and the lack of technical knowledge to carry it out themselves”, highlighting the enormous effort of trade-to-trade communication of the Mercado47 project”.

Finally, Eduardo Elorriaga, CEO of Hermeneus World, pointed out that "Fears of new technologies are overcome by forming a common and quality project promoted by an entity such as the Madrid City Council, supported by associations such as COCAM and Fedecarne that bring it closer to commerce and developing a tailored solution that has had the direct participation of the merchants themselves”.

What is Market 47?

  • It is an initiative that allows the markets of Madrid and its small merchants to adapt to the multi-channel demand without intermediation and forming a community of respect for small merchants.
  • It seeks to empower local commerce, facilitating access to new technologies so that it can optimize its buying, selling and distribution processes through the Internet. To do this, each seller who becomes part of the community is offered their own website where they can publicize and sell their products and services directly and without sales intermediation.
  • Launched in 2016, it has more than 650 affiliated businesses and more than 6,000 items for sale in the marketplace.