Startup certification

Since the entry into force in 2022 of the Law 28/2022, to promote the ecosystem of emerging companies, better known as the law of startup, entrepreneurs have been given a new opportunity to obtain benefits and visibility of their innovative and scalable project through the certification of your startup, granted by the certifying company ENISA, dependent on the Ministry of Industry and Tourism and which carries out the procedure in a manner free.

In order to provide a single window, accreditation (unavoidable in order to benefit from the tax and social benefits established in this law) will be effective against all public administrations and entities that must recognize them.

This certification attests that the business model meets the standards established in the law of startups, focused on promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as the capacity for scalability and expansion that results in job creation and social well-being.

The certificate of startup granted by ENISA thus becomes a strategic tool for those emerging companies that aspire to enhance their growth in a sustainable way and contribute to the development of the ecosystem that surrounds them.

Who can receive certification as startup?

The certification of startup It is aimed at small and medium-sized Spanish companies with innovative, scalable projects that are viable in the market. This recognition is obtained after passing the process of certification, explained in detail in the certification guide, which entails a rigorous analysis and validation process by the ENISA technical team.

What requirements must be met by the company that wishes to be certified as startup?

Is considered emerging company or startup any legal entity that meets, among others, the following requirements:

  • Be a newly created company or a maximum of 5 years since its incorporation and 7 years in the case of the biotechnology, energy or industrial sector, among others.
  • Have registered office or permanent establishment in Spain.
  • Have a majority percentage of the workforce with a contract in Spain.
  • Develop an innovative and scalable entrepreneurship project.
  • Not achieve a business volume of more than ten million euros.

To be considered as startup, a company must be newly created or be less than 5 years old since its registration in the commercial registry, have not distributed dividends, not be listed on a regulated market and have a presence in Spain.

In addition, you must have an innovative and scalable project, as well as meet specific labor and financial requirements. It is essential to comply with environmental regulations and not be founded or directed by people disqualified for specific crimes.

What are the benefits of obtaining certification?

The startup certified can access various benefits as they are:

  • Reduction of the corporate tax rate to 15%.
  • Deferrals of tax debts.
  • Exemption from making installment payments of corporate tax.
  • Elimination of certain registration fees for the incorporation of a new company.
  • Exemption from the obligation to obtain the NIE in the case of non-resident foreign investors.
  • Reduction, for three years, of Social Security contributions in favor of self-employed entrepreneurs who also work for others.
  • Extension of the amount of the exemption, up to 50,000 euros per year, in the case of delivery of stock options to the employees.
  • Increase in the deduction for investment in newly created companies, increasing the rate to 50% and the maximum base up to 100,000 euros.
  • Promote the creation and development of controlled testing environments to validate the viability and impact of new models in regulated activities.
  • Facilities for the provision of guarantees or payments on account in the case of granting subsidies.

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