The call for the NEOTEC 2024 program is open



  • The call for the NEOTEC 2024 program for technology-based startups is open
  • Submission of applications until May 10
  • Maximum budget of 20 million euros
  • 250,000 euros per beneficiary


The Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) has opened a new call to request the NEOTEC 2024 Aid Program. It is a subsidy that was created with the objective of supporting the creation of technology-based companies and contributing to their growth and accelerating the transfer of knowledge from research organizations and universities.

Call 2024

To be eligible, the aforementioned newly created businesses must have a business model based on the development and marketing of products or services. own technology and/or be technology-based projects (EBT) that develop their own R&D&i lines.

The main focus of these startup It will, therefore, be the exploitation of products and services that base the strategy of your business and your activity on the intensive domain of scientific and technical knowledge.

Along these lines, it is established as Essential requirements. Indispensable requirements to be able to participate, This technology must have been generated from a research activity and not be a business model that is primarily based on third-party services, without the development of its own technology.

The maximum budget allocated in this call is 20 million euros, an amount that will be allocated to business projects in any technological or sectoral field (with the exception of those business models mentioned in the previous paragraph).

In addition, the amount of this call also has a minimum budget reserve of five million of euros intended for projects led by women.

Among the characteristics of the aid, it should be noted that the subsidies will have a maximum amount of 250,000 euros per beneficiary and that, after the final concession resolution is issued, the beneficiary may request advance payment of up to 60% of the subsidy awarded for the project, with a maximum of 150,000 euros, provided that their request has been made up to May 10 of this year 2024 at 12 am, deadline to participate. Applications will be submitted through the CDTI electronic headquarters.

Aspects of interest: project characteristics and requirements

For those people interested in accessing this call, the main points of this aid are summarized:

  • Beneficiaries: small innovative companies, with a maximum of 3 years old and with a minimum share capital of 20,000 euros.
  • Help Features: These are competitive grants with a submission deadline of up to 70% of the eligible budget of the action with a maximum amount of 250,000 euros. In the case of a job contract for at least one doctor, the intensity of the aid rises to 85% with a maximum amount of 325,000 euros.
  • Project features: minimum budget of 175,000 euros and maximum eligible budget of 250,000 euros. Annual or multi-annual actions must begin on January 1, 2025 and end on December 31, 2025, for annual actions, or 2026 for multi-annual actions.
  • Requirements: Entities that want to benefit from this program must comply with the requirements and obligations related to the financing of the European Union Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, both at national and European level.

Likewise, projects that want to qualify for this aid must maintain their own R&D lines and make competitive use of technology and innovation that support the business plan in the long term.

Evaluation criteria

The CDTI management team will take into consideration, for the evaluation of the applications, the evaluation criteria and weighting indicated in article 23, letter b, of Order CIN/373/2022, of April 26, which are :

  • The commercial exploitation plan of the project: here the business model, income forecast, potential market or possible competitors of the project, among others, will be taken into account.
  • The technology and innovation of the project: proposed technology, the technological need, its differential value and the technical challenge; as well as the quality and clarity of the presentation of the proposal.
  • The management capacity and involvement of the entrepreneurial team involved in the development of business activity.
  • And finally, the socioeconomic and environmental impact: the job creation planned in the business plan, measures aimed at gender equality, social inclusion and sustainability.


For any questions or additional details, you should consult the rules of the call at:

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