Coffee Break with Alejandro Cañadas, founder of Coaching Superación


East Coffee break focused on the NLP as a focus for improving the development of entrepreneurial projects and to try to eliminate the mental blocks that often prevent us from advancing in business. Likewise, as it is a meeting that is always held between entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, future projects could benefit from the experience of companies or professionals already consolidated in the market.

Alexander Canadas is founder  and CEO of Coaching Overcoming,  trainer, master and practitioner international NLP by the (AUNLP) American Union of NLP, coach professional certified by ICF, coach specialized in entrepreneurs and personal development, has worked transforming the lives of more than 500 people towards personal excellence and is the author of the book \»Awaken your giant Entrepreneur\».

During his speech, Alejandro told us how the process to undertake working in an already consolidated company and with a stable position was hard: “One of the biggest obstacles to overcome was the rejection of friends and family when I told them that I wanted to change my life and start my own business.”.

Alejandro, was trained as an expert in NLP and later became known by setting up his own TV channel. Youtube. This channel allowed him to make himself known to the public and begin to attract the first customers. One of the first things he applied, in his experience, was the concept of  the  “value ladder” was very useful when starting, especially if we sell services. The "value ladder" consists of having a service product for each price bracket (adapted to each type of customer). In this way, and even starting from a free service, we can go up the steps with each of our clients and increase the price”.

Alejandro then developed an introductory session to NLP together with those attending the event, from his intervention and actions carried out we can highlight the following:

·     As a first tip: “When starting a business, it is a priority that we have written down where we want to go, our goals and our set goals”, in a practical way, the attendees wrote down the objectives of their respective projects and businesses and shared them publicly with the rest.

·    Once the objectives have been stated, the filter SMART. “which makes our business objectives: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and on time. This allows us to improve them considerably”. In the same way, the attendees applied this methodology to their previously stated business objectives.

·   After improving the business objectives, what is known in NLP as beliefs which are all those thoughts that prevent us from achieving our business goals. They were also discussed as a group among the attendees.

Once the practical part was over, the attendees shared a coffee and a session of networking in the common area Villaverde business incubator.

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