Coffee Break with Carlos Galayo from Eloquence & Talent ME


Graduate student of Business Administration and Management, Carlos Galayo wanted to begin by introducing himself to the attendees, telling his story in a very close and very sincere way, saying that he does not consider that it is necessary to study any master's degree at any prestigious university to be a good entrepreneur, but having the desire.
Carlos believes that an entrepreneur is born, but he is also made, the only thing that matters is wanting. According to what he said, he has always felt that he had an entrepreneurial spirit since he was very young, realizing that the avalanche of ideas he used to have had to be put aside until he finished his studies.
After completing a year of Erasmus in Slovenia, he realized how essential English was to start a business, and decided to take advantage of it by having the first experience closest to entrepreneurship: selling English courses on the street in Alicante, and after four After months of effort, he managed to do it after going to an agency, where he was hired as a salesperson. However, the experience did not end in success, which led him to return home.
Once back in Madrid, Carlos, after discussing it with his partner, decided to take the big step and create a conference hostess agency, after she had worked in this sector and had had too many problems.
Thus arose the first spark that lit the fuse of what would later become his company Eloquence.
He wanted to insist to those present that they should undertake something about which they know a lot, to be able to have everything under control and to be able to trust in their project.
After having an opportunity with IFEMA, Carlos took a huge leap when he was contacted by an important hotel in the Arab Emirates, the Atlantis The Palm in Dubai and thus was born Talent ME.
Carlos wanted to tell the attendees both the good things and the bad things, commenting that this has been a path that he has traveled alone, which has not been very easy, especially on some occasions in which he has had to carry out the payments of the salaries of its employees and hostesses.
He also comments that during the time he has been alone, he has relied on his family, who have supported him both emotionally and financially. Finally, Carlos came to the conclusion that, despite his desire, by running two companies alone (Talent ME – Eloquence), he needed a partner, and his friend Javier showed up to accompany him and row together.
One of the successes that stands out the most is having participated with Eloquence in the final of the Champions which took place this year at the Wanda Metropolitano stadium in Madrid, since it was the company that was chosen for the event's hostess service.
After this, both he and his partner decided that they should focus on one of the two companies and wanted to sell Talent ME, the agency they created to recruit Spanish professionals who wanted to move to the Middle East to work in the hospitality sector. He is currently doing this, while his company Eloquence continues to grow.
Carlos wanted to remind entrepreneurs that creating a company alone is very hard, but it is very rewarding when things start to move. Hiring the first worker, attending meetings with future clients, traveling for work, knowing that everything he achieves will be for him, makes him tremendously happy.
After his presentation, Carlos Galayo shared a coffee with the attendees, enjoying a very pleasant time with everyone who attended this very interesting Coffee Break.
If you were unable to attend, you can check the video of the session on our website. Facebook.
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