Coffee Break with Delia Torrano from Delia's Obrador


Delia Torrano Ruiz-Funes is a technician for tourism companies and activities and owner of the Delia's workshop. She was the winner in 2010 of the national contest of Entrepreneurial Women of the Olay Circle with his business project “El Obrador de Delia, Cooking Therapy Workshops”. A lover of travel and international gastronomy, he combines his two passions by organizing gastronomic trips. He teaches cooking classes to people at risk of exclusion, Red Cross refugees, people with disabilities, etc.

To start the day, attendees shared, and in Elevator Pitch format, what their project consists of and were able to leave their professional card. In this way, after finishing the session it was possible to carry out a networking and generate synergies between all of them more effectively.

Delia He told us how his beginnings were, “After winning the prize, I invested the money in becoming known as a chef and setting up my first cooking therapy workshops.”. Some time later, "I expanded my offer with topics such as teambuilding workshops with cooking, beer tastings, chef at home, gastronomic trips, inclusive leisure for people with disabilities, etc.
He told us how he first became known through his own contacts (family and friends) until he developed a strategy on-line,“Social networks have been and are one of the basic pillars within my communication strategy”.
As advice to the participants he suggested, “not counting on family and friends to carry out your company's services, such as accounting or developing your Web presence. Friends are friends and we must rely on external professionals for these services to avoid problems”.
Being asked, he assured, “My success comes from the passion for my profession and the search for synergies with other chefs, companies and administrations.”. Regarding trends within gastronomy, my predictions are the approach to “healthy food and the use of plastic vs home delivery”.
Once the exhibition was over, the attendees shared a coffee and a session of networking in the common area Villaverde nursery.
The event was broadcast live on our Facebook page, you can check the video of the session.
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