Coffee Break with Julio Rodríguez from Avanda Consultores


Julio Rodríguez in the last 17 years has been managing partner of Avanda Consultores, leading numerous training sessions in more than 100 national and international companies and business schools. It has implemented programs mentoring, currently being director of the network of mentoring from Spain, where they create formal programs with a pool of more than 500 mentors.
He gave us two definitions of what the mentoring, a more formal one, as a practice through which two people commit themselves for a certain time to share experiences, experiences, visions, with a purpose, to help the mentee and another less formal one, as a practice that accelerates learning.
He explained to us that the concept of mentoring It comes from Homer's Odyssey. When Ulysses goes to war, he leaves Telemachus, his son, with Mentor, so that with his experience and wisdom he would help and guide Telemachus to make good decisions. When he returns, he finds the kingdom destroyed and when he asks Mentor what has happened, he replies that he has told him, has guided him, has advised him, but that the decisions were made by Telemachus. This is an important point of mentoring, the decisions in the end are always on the part of the mentee.
As an entrepreneur, he began by creating Avanda. The first year he sold a single two-day training project to Walt Disney. But he continued to persevere in his idea and little by little he was billing more and more for now after 20 years, to continue, as he says, in this self-employment regime that accompanies him almost his entire professional life.
He advises entrepreneurs to have a high tolerance for frustration. “You put a lot of effort, work, money and it takes a lot for all this to bear fruit, therefore, those ideas, the business plan, first and foremost, you have to test it on the street, visit many clients, see how they respond. , in short, to know if it can be sold or not. Devote many hours to sell. The most important thing, knowing who we are going to sell our product or service to. Let's put our idea to the test."
The objective of any entrepreneur is to invoice, find clients, pour gas into your project so that it can move forward. You have to ask yourself a question,if i don't bill how long can i go ahead”.
The mentoring It is divided into four processes:
  1.         Selection and recruitment of participants
  2.         matching o crosses between the mentor/mentors and the mentee/mentees
  3.         Relationship
  4.         Evaluation
After his presentation, Julio shared a coffee with the attendees enjoying a very pleasant time with all those who attended this Coffee break so interesting.
If you were unable to attend, you can check the video of the session on our website. Facebook .
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