Entrepreneurs of the Spain International Plan visit the Carabanchel nursery


These entrepreneurs are training and undertaking within the program SAPE'A (which means realizing, becoming aware, awakening, opening your eyes), which trains them in education for development and training for employment in rural areas of Paraguay and Spain.

This initiative is developed by the organization Plan International in Paraguay jointly with the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Paraguay, and financed by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the organization Spain International Plan.

International plan is an independent, humanitarian and development organization (non-profit) that promotes children's rights and equality for girls. They actively collaborate with children, young people, their communities and other individuals and organizations with this commitment to achieve positive and lasting changes in the lives of children and young people.

They are currently developing the Program SAPE'A (financed by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Foundation Spain International Plan. It also has the support of Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Paraguay. The main activities include the technical training of adolescents and young people (at least 60 % women), the development of life skills, the inclusion of young people who have graduated from the training in the public program of 'First Job ', accompanying young people through business plans and access to microcredits.

Upon arrival at Carabanchel business incubator the 4 female entrepreneurs and members of Plan International in attendance have been received by our 'Entrepreneurial Men', a symbol of entrepreneurship and especially female entrepreneurship.

Next, they have been able to learn about the benefits, services and infrastructures of the business incubators at the hands of María Ángeles Jiménez, head of the Department of Entrepreneurs and SMEs of the General Directorate of Commerce and Entrepreneurship of the Madrid City Council.

Finally,a round table has been developed, moderated by carmen pablos professor specializing in entrepreneurship Rey Juan Carlos Universitys, in which we have been able to learn about the entrepreneurial projects developed by the 4 entrepreneurs of the program SAPE'A, So how to share experiences with several of the entrepreneurs staying at the Carabanchel business incubator. This table has been very enriching, since both the visiting entrepreneurs and those from the incubator itself have been able to share their difficulties, challenges and hopes in their process of setting up their own business or company.

It is worth highlighting the support, mentoring, ongoing training, cost containment, infrastructures, networking and contact with other entrepreneurs as the key aspects to be taken into account by attendees when choosing the network of incubators for the Madrid City Hall as your place to undertake.