Guide to Next Generation EU aid

Next Generation aid


  • Next Generation aid is an EU fund aimed at boosting the economy and supporting private investment
  • Spain will receive 140,000 million euros for initiatives such as the digitalization of SMEs


The AIDS Next Generation They are an EU fund aimed at boosting the economy and supporting private investment and Spain will receive 140 billion euros for initiatives such as the digitalization of SMEs.

What does this aid consist of?

In Spain, Next Generation aid is a temporary response to the economic and social impacts derived from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Its main objective is to accelerate the economic recovery and promote job creation and retention. Spain is the second most benefited country, receiving a total of 140,000 million euros, divided into a non-refundable 52% and a 48% in the form of loans.

East balance between grants and loans makes it crucial to understand how to apply for these funds.

Projects eligible to obtain European funds must be aligned with the following concepts:

  • Digital transformation
  • Ecological transition
  • Gender equality
  • Social and territorial cohesion

The General Administration of the State is responsible for transferring, through the corresponding instruments of agreements and subsidies, the funds to the autonomous communities and local entities. It is also responsible for communicating all necessary information and ways to access these funds.

Spain Can Plan

In the particular case of Spain, the Spain Can Plan Its objective is to be able to execute and allocate the subsidies that our country receives directly from the European Union. This plan is divided into three recovery axes:

  • Strategic projects for economic recovery and transformation (PERTE), which consist of a new figure located in research, administration and business centers with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the economy.
  • Contracts through tenders, which have a type of financing that can amount to 100% of the project.
  • Subsidies with the aim of helping the private sector, thanks to Next Generation aid.

These are the investment lines of the plan, around ten lever policies:

  • Urban and rural agenda with the aim of fighting against depopulation and development of agriculture.
  • Modernization and digitalization of the industrial fabric and SMEs to recover tourism and promote a more entrepreneurial and innovative Spain.
  • Resilient infrastructure and economies to support the development of nature-based solutions and climate resilience.
  • Fair and inclusive energy transition to promote the development of a competitive, efficient and decarbonized energy sector.
  • An administration for the 21st century with the development of innovation in the private sector.
  • New economics of care and policies.
  • Promotion of the culture and sports industry.
  • Modernization of the tax system for inclusive and sustainable growth.
  • Strengthening the National Health System.
  • Continuous training and capacity development to improve education and knowledge.

How do you apply for Next Generation EU funds?

The process to access Next Generation EU funds has been designed to be as simple as possible:

  • Registration and testing Accelerate SME. Once inside, you must carry out the digital diagnostic test to know the level of digitalization of the SME or self-employed person.
  • Digital voucher application. To do this, it is necessary to select the solutions from the offered catalog and contact the corresponding digitizing agent.
  • Installation by the agent. Confirmation to ensure the operation of the solution and that the company can start working with the new implementation.

Calendar to access Next Generation EU aid

It is crucial to take into account the established calendar to access this aid in Spain:

  • Segment 1 (10-49 employees): open call until December 31, 2024.
  • Segment 2 (3-9 employees): applications until December 31, 2024.
  • Segment 3 (0-2 workers): application date open until December 31, 2024.
  • Communities of property or civil societies may request them until December 31, 2024.


In summary, the process to access Next Generation aid is presented as a strategic opportunity for companies, providing the necessary resources for transformative and sustainable projects. It is essential that companies wishing to access this European fund ensure that their projects are aligned with the principles of sustainability, viability and long-term job creation.

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