Around the world without leaving Las Ventas Market


Next Thursday, June 29, at 8:30 p.m., the nine gastronomic stands that the Xelavid company has set up in the Mercado de Las Ventas in Madrid will be inaugurated, seven for international food, one for healthy food and a wine bar.

You can travel the world without having to leave the market: the freshness of Norwegian salmon, the elegance of Italian pasta or the exoticism of Japanese maki at your fingertips. They will be able to tour Norway, Japan, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Italy and Thailand. Along with the international cast there will also be a healthy food stand, a true paradise for celiacs and vegetarians.

And, how could it be otherwise, as the ninth stand and finishing touch, will be Xelavid, the wine bar where you can taste wines from almost any DO in Spain: Toro, Somontano, Madrid, Mallorca, Almansa, Utiel Requena, Málaga … A journey through the cuisines of the world and through the wines of Spain.

This inauguration culminates the comprehensive reform of the Mercado de Las Ventas carried out throughout 2016 and 2017 with the support of the Madrid City Council, leaving a completely renovated, modern and complete Market of merchants, with an occupation of practically 100%.

70 traditional market stalls have been installed (fishmongers, butchers, greengrocers, offals, poultry shops, florists...), a supermarket, a gym, 2 bars and the 9 gastronomic stands that are now opening.

All this has meant a revitalization of the neighborhood's commerce and an important generation of employment. If in 2016 145 people worked in the Las Ventas Market and their occupation did not reach 40%, today, after the expansion of traditional market shops, the opening of the AhorraMas supermarket, the Dreamfit gym and the gastronomic stands, 240 people work, 18 of which are incorporated this week into the World Kitchens that are inaugurated this Thursday.

At the opening you can enjoy live cocktails, show cooking, flamenco concerts... without forgetting, of course, a magnificent tasting of Spanish wines and world food.