What type of administrator is best for companies?

What type of administrator is best


  • There are three types of administrators that are the most common: sole, joint and several administrators.


The choice of the type of administrator of a company is a crucial aspect that can influence the development of the activity and the success obtained. Three of the most common options are the sole administrator, the joint administrator or the joint administrator.

Each of these types has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Sole administrator

  • All required functions are performed by the same person.
  • In turn, it has the capacity to represent the company before third parties and assume management rights and obligations on behalf of the company.
  • This type also assumes all tax burdens, as well as any possible sanctions that may arise.

Supportive administrator

  • Several joint administrators may be appointed.
  • In this case, any of them can perform their functions independently.
  • Each one has the authority to carry out any contract or signature on behalf of the entity they manage.
  • This type is also responsible for all activities related to labor, economic or commercial matters.
  • This figure is appointed by the company's board of partners.

Joint administrator

  • In this case, the management and representation of the company falls on several administrators, but with the particularity that their actions must be joint.
  • Each one has specific responsibilities and cannot act independently in making decisions, with everyone's signature having to be present.


The choice between sole, joint or joint administrator will depend on the size, structure and specific objectives of the company in question, as well as the preferences and abilities of those who assume management roles.

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