Funcas 2024 Ranking: incubators and accelerators in Spain

Funcas Ranking 2024


  • The Funcas 2024 ranking investigates and analyzes incubators, business accelerators and other programs and structures that promote and drive business development and job creation in Spain
  • Funcas has published this type of reports since 2013


Funcas, analysis center or think tank dedicated to economic and social research and its dissemination, which is part of the Social Work of CECA (Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks), has just published the Ranking 2024: The services provided by business incubators and accelerators in Spain.

This study aims to investigate and analyze incubators, business accelerators and other programs and structures that promote and drive business development and job creation, a fundamental element for the economic growth of our nation. From a more objective perspective, this study provides guidelines for various actors within the national business ecosystem, identifying best practices in establishing business incubators and accelerators, recognized as leaders in the sector.

Madrid Emprende business incubators

Within the business incubators, the position of the Madrid Emprende company incubator network, created in 2008 to manage public spaces for companies in the municipality of Madrid. Through a public price, it combines the use of offices to develop professional activities in the service sector, with the support and advice for the development of these activities with the greatest possible success. In these centers, in addition to offices, they have free spaces for co-working so that entrepreneurs can develop their business plan or develop their professional activity. The network has a central headquarters to serve entrepreneurs at 140 Príncipe de Vergara Street in Madrid and has a total of six business incubators distributed in various districts of Madrid; in addition to one specific to the food sector.

The dissemination of the entrepreneurial spirit is the first aspect to take into account within the activities carried out by a business incubator. that must carry out certain actions clearly oriented towards new entrepreneurs and even towards people who have not yet made the decision to start a business.

Overall ranking

In the ranking of business incubators in this activity, Madrid Emprende stands out, with the Carabanchel business incubator occupying 8th position at the national level and 1st at the Community of Madrid level, followed by the San Blas business incubator.

In the same way, the Carabanchel nursery occupies the 2nd position at the national level and 1st at the level of the Community of Madrid in terms of pre-incubation activities, followed by Vicálvaro nursery in the 5th position at the national level and 2nd at the level of the Autonomous Community of Madrid; and that of Vallecas Bridge in 10th national position and 3rd at the Madrid level. These three business incubators in the Madrid Emprende network are the only ones in the Community of Madrid within this ranking of outstanding pre-incubation companies.

The Funcas global ranking is divided into three categories according to the services they offer: advanced, medium and modest. Inside of advanced ranking category, incubators with the greatest quantity and quality in their services, the Carabanchel business incubator ranks 12th nationally and 2nd in the Community of Madrid.

The Vicálvaro nursery is ranked 16th nationally and 3rd in the Autonomous Community of Madrid; The Puente de Vallecas nursery ranks 25th nationally and 5th in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, followed by the Villaverde and Moratalaz nurseries, with 26th and 27th positions nationally and 6th and 7th in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, respectively. and, finally, that of San Blas in 29th nationally and 8th in the Community of Madrid.


Therefore, the six incubators analyzed from the Madrid Emprende business incubator network are considered advanced and occupy prominent positions both at the level of the Autonomous Community of Madrid and at the national level.

With the results of this report, the work of the Madrid Emprende business incubators is recognized for their work in promoting entrepreneurship and the economic reactivation of Madrid. Furthermore, it reaffirms the commitment of the Madrid City Council to the support and development of the business community, consolidating the city as an important center of innovation and entrepreneurship.

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