Recircular, Hera Technology and Fossa, winning companies of the Madrid Impacta Award 2021


Today the five companies that have managed to reach the third and final phase of the Madrid Impacta Award They have presented their business projects with socio-environmental impact at a public event. The jury has issued its ruling and Fernando Herrero has presented the Madrid Impacta 2021 Award.

With this award, Madrid wants to economically and socially support business projects with real measurable impact promoted by entrepreneurs and/or social companies that, through a specific economic activity, address detected problems that society and, especially, groups are facing. at risk of exclusion or social/economic vulnerability and provide solutions to mitigate or prevent these problems.

They also focus on highlighting the fundamental role of Madrid as a city that promotes initiatives that combine entrepreneurship with social value, innovative and job-generating projects, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

In this V edition of the Madrid Impacta Award, the three winning companies that will receive a monetary contribution in the amount of 8,000 euros have been:

  • Recirculate, an impact startup in which they base their strategy on the creation of a triple environmental, social and economic impact. It is dedicated to helping companies and organizations identify opportunities to give a second life to their waste, generating economic savings and environmental and social benefits. For their project, they use a digital platform that automates waste recovery processes, informing companies about existing reuse and recycling opportunities and connecting them with other companies that can use them as raw materials.
  • Hera Technology, a social startup focused on the development of technologies for mental health. The ultimate vision of this startup is to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness. To achieve their goal, they are creating a constant patient monitoring platform based on the use of artificial intelligence, so that it is possible to anticipate their evolution and make the appropriate recommendations for their digital phenotype.
  • Fossa, is a company that started in 2020, with the idea of transforming the traditional approach of the space industry through the development of safer, more agile and flexible satellite platforms that allow establishing communication links. IoT at low power. With a project they propose to create an infrastructure that connects the necessary data and information and with this technology achieve that connection in a more accessible space, with lower cost, greater security and speed, in addition to achieving more sustainability, helping the environment through the fight against climate change and specifically proposing 4 UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) such as: zero hunger, responsible production and consumption, climate action and life of terrestrial ecosystems.


Prizes for a total amount of 24,000 euros have been distributed, along with various contributions in kind offered by the prize collaborators:

  • 6 months free flex membership at Impact Hub Prosperity for two people from each of the three winning companies.
  • Specialized mentoring for a social entrepreneurship project with a technological component valued at 8,000 euros for NTT Data Foundation, has been awarded to Recircular.

The other two finalist companies that have participated this edition have been:

  • Indoteminnovative system based on home sensors that allows detecting abnormal situations such as falls, inactivity for a long time, escapes from home, changes in behavior and habits, etc.
  • Pyrates Smart Fabrics, Madrid R&D company born in 2014, whose work is to develop and supply eco-responsible and high quality fabrics to brands through collaborations.  

The event, held in the assembly hall of the Palacio de Cibeles, was presented by Mafalda González who also offered a monologue during the jury's deliberation.

After the opening words of the general director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Fernando Herrero, who highlighted the value of social entrepreneurship and that Madrid “is a city that is changing and is being much more entrepreneurial and innovative,” the finalist companies presented their projects.

After the presentations, the jury, made up of Fernando Herrero Acebes, general director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Esther Caurín Arribas, head of the Entrepreneurs and SMEs Service, and representatives from Impact Hub Madrid and of NTT Data Foundation (formerly everis Foundation), issued its ruling.

Fernando Herrero, together with the presenter, Mafalda González, announced the winning companies and handed out the checks and the entrepreneurship trophy.

Next, the sponsors, Impacta Hub Madrid and NTT Data Foundation, presented their respective awards.

If you have not been able to see the direct broadcast of the event, you can see it at this link. See all the photos from the event at this link.