The National Entrepreneurship Office (ONE) has been launched

National Entrepreneurship Office (ONE)


  • The National Entrepreneurship Office is now underway, aimed at all agents of the entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • Registration on the platform offers access to valuable content for entrepreneurship such as a map of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, specialized support to resolve doubts or self-diagnosis tests.


The National Entrepreneurship Office (ONE), a Government initiative, launched by, which provides a web portal with information to promote the promotion functions of the Spanish ecosystem.

Said portal, the ONE Platform, is already active and was born with the mission of supporting, supporting and accompanying the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem: startup, innovative talent, public entities, associations, training centers, investors and professionals, among others. The implementation of this tool is articulated in the Law 28/2022, of December 21, to promote the ecosystem of emerging companies.

Working groups with agents of the entrepreneurial ecosystem

Before its launch, and in response to the need so often claimed by the sector to create a virtual meeting point for the whole ecosystem involved in the innovative entrepreneurship In Spain, we have opted for collaboration with the different agents that make up the ecosystem, both public and private, through the organization of various work days.

They have been debated and shared, to take into account their vision and be able to translate the conclusions into a schedule that will allow ONE to evolve over time, updating and nourishing itself with information generated by both the central and regional administrations. and local, as well as with valuable content that incorporates relevant private agents in the sector.

What objectives does the National Entrepreneurship Office have?

The ONE Platform seeks to promote innovative entrepreneurship by providing facilities and knowledge to those who want to launch their project and also attract international talent taking into account the new measures contemplated in the law of startup, including information clear and concise of the main procedures to be carried out by those people who want to be part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Spain.

Also offers training resources developing high-quality content aimed at startup and innovative entrepreneurship, as well as other agents in the ecosystem, providing strategies and tactics for the Business Growth.

In addition, it promotes entrepreneurial culture and makes available to the entrepreneurial ecosystem reports and events in-person and digital that promote networking.

Exclusive benefits of registering on the ONE Platform

The registration on the platform from the National Entrepreneurship Office takes just two minutes, selecting the type of agent and completing a short form.

Once inside, Registration gives access to unique benefits such as the visualization of a complete map of the entrepreneurial ecosystem that allows identifying more than 8,000 funded companies and ecosystem agents, helping those looking for where to develop their project.

It also offers a specialized support service through a direct communication channel and resolution of doubts about procedures or aspects related to the law of startup.

On the other hand, it allows you to carry out a self-diagnosis test to know if you meet the necessary requirements to be certified as an emerging company, as well as access to exclusive content, the option to create a personalized event agenda or propose new meetings and aid to incorporate into this Web.

Wide range of services and growing content

The ONE Platform aims to become the reference of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, a unique information and meeting space.

To this end, it has services of interest, such as event agendas, training content or a selection of relevant aid and calls, facilitating the identification and application of programs that favor the development of ecosystem agents.

It also includes information on procedures, with the aim of simplifying legal aspects and bureaucratic processes on topics such as certifications, investments or the development of economic activities in Spain, as well as articles, real business cases or interviews with professionals in the sector.

2 responses

    1. Good afternoon:
      Thank you very much for your interest in Madrid Emprende.
      Our Madrid Emprende virtual community is open to entrepreneurs, SMEs and companies interested in our activity. You just have to register to start being part of it. We give you the opportunity to make contacts, participate in events, learn more about the companies in the network. of nurseries and you will even be able to interact with other professionals to generate alliances.
      As a member of our community you can be permanently connected and participate in all our activities, organize a meeting or attend meetings or events. You will have access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
      In this page can be registered in the Madrid Emprende virtual community , it has all the information and explanatory videos

      If what you want is to register on the platform of the National Entrepreneurship Office (ONE), a Government initiative, you can do so through the links available in the news.


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