Marta Higueras visits the Vallehermoso Municipal Market


During the years 2016 and so far in 2017, a set of rehabilitation and modernization works have been undertaken at the Vallehermoso Municipal Market, including, among others, the installation of a disabled access ramp, rehabilitation of the skylight, improvements in the lighting and fire protection system, adaptation of the bathrooms in the basement, installation of signage and advertising in the market, installation of access doors, a set of actions aimed at eliminating architectural barriers. The municipal contribution for the development of the aforementioned works amounts to almost 138,000 euros.


Along with this, a Permanent Producers Market has been implemented in one of its wings, which has 22 stalls where producers from the region offer tastings and sell their products directly to the public and without intermediaries. Their philosophy is to provide quality food, using traditional processes at a fair price, respecting the environment and coming from an area of about 120 km from the market. Its unique proposal includes fresh products from the garden (eggs, meat, snails, milk, etc.) and processed products (sausages, liqueurs, smoked meats, cheeses, coffee, chocolate, croquettes, empanadas, etc.).


Juan Luis Royela, president of the “Harvest Day” Association, in charge of organizing this market for local products, highlighted during the visit that this business model allows producers to bring their products to the public and produce food in a sustainable way. . 


For her part, Marta Higueras pointed out that the Vallehermoso market is the only one with a permanent producer area, not only in Spain but in all of Europe, with its activity not only on weekends but permanently over time, which that attracts attention and distinguishes this market.


Concha Diaz de Villegas General Director of Commerce and Entrepreneurship of the Madrid City Council, highlighted that: “Each market of the 46 municipal markets has its own personality and requires its specific project. All of them are managed under an administrative concession regime and all the projects carried out are approved by the merchants' association or the market manager. In this sense, in this legislature, remodeling projects have been approved such as that of Vallehermoso in which traditional stalls coexist with local producers and entrepreneurs, that of Prosperidad that incorporates a medium surface area or that of Ventas that combines both models. This has allowed the arrival at the Vallehermoso Market of new entrepreneurs with new business ideas that coexist with the wisdom of traditional commerce and the 100% occupation of the stalls.