Margarita Salas Scientific Research and Technological Development Awards 2024

Margarita Salas Awards 2024


  • The Margarita Salas 2024 Scientific Research and Technological Development Awards have been announced
  • There will be four winners per category and the jury may award up to six second prizes.
  • The last day to register is May 13


In the 2024 edition, the Madrid City Council jointly announces the previously called Talent and Technology Awards and the Margarita Salas Awards. The former were focused on detecting and promoting technological development among Madrid students, while the Margarita Salas awards, focused on scientific research, pay tribute to this multifaceted and pioneering woman who, in addition to having made great discoveries in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology, was an excellent teacher, disseminator and mentor.

With this fourth edition of the awards, we want to continue with the line started in 2021 to promote scientific research, promote research talent and promote the transfer of knowledge from the university to society. For this reason, the Margarita Salas Scientific Research and Technological Development Awards 2024 Doctoral theses developed in the following categories will be recognized:

  1. Basic sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics, or similar).
  2. life sciences (biology, biomedicine, medicine, pharmacy, health and well-being, ecology or similar).
  3. Applied technology (all areas of knowledge in which there is a strong potential for transfer to the market).

In each of the categories, four theses will be distinguished, whose prizes will range between 16,000 euros and 4,000 euros. In addition, up to six second prizes may be awarded, at the discretion of the jury, with a financial prize of €1,500 euros each.

People who have defended his doctoral thesis in one of the universities of the Community of Madrid, provided that they have been defended and qualified in the period of time between the 01/01/2022 and 12/31/2023.

The deadline to submit the requests starts on April 5 and ends May 13, 2024 (both inclusive).

You can consult the complete information in the bases of the call.

Registration in electronic office 

4 responses

  1. Good afternoon:

    I have been trying to register my request through the electronic headquarters of the Madrid City Council all day and it has given me an error five times, from different browsers and with different identification methods (pin code, FNMT certificate, etc...). I would like to know how to proceed to make my candidacy effective for the Margarita Salas 2024 Scientific Research and Technological Development Awards. Greetings. Eva Gil Lopesino

    1. Good morning:
      The Margarita Salas 2024 Scientific Research and Technological Development Awards are not our responsibility, but rather the General Directorate of Innovation of the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Finance of the Madrid City Council. It's this link Margarita Salas Awards 2024 (headquarters) you have access to all the information and frequent questions with contact email to resolve your questions,

      We hope to have helped you, best regards.

  2. Good morning, I am about to attach the information to apply for the 2024 Margarita Salas Awards, but when completing the registration through the Community of Madrid website, it does not allow me to correctly load the pdf of the doctor's degree, memory, and annexes.
    I get an error: The parameters entered are incorrect
    The document does not exist in the MINIO exchange folder.

    I don't know how I can attach them correctly, or if I can formalize the registration through an email.

    1. Good morning:
      Madrid Emprende only informs you about these awards, the Margarita Salas 2024 Scientific Research and Technological Development Awards are not our responsibility, but rather the General Directorate of Innovation of the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Finance of the Madrid City Council.
      It's this link Margarita Salas Awards 2024 (headquarters) you have access to all the information and frequent questions with contact email to resolve your questions,

      We hope to have helped you, best regards.

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